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BOF Minutes 06/21/2011
Minutes of the Board of Finance meeting held on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall.

~Present:~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:  Andrew Russell, Christopher Kerr,
 Janet Sturges, David Woolley
Alternate Members:~ Anne Coburn, David Kelsey, Judy Read

Timothy C. Griswold, Ex-Officio
                Nicole Stadjuhar, Finance Director
Absent:~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Members:~ Wayne Devoe, H. P. Garvin, III
   ~~~~~~~~~Alternate Members:~  


Mr. Russell called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.  Mr. Russell stated that a couple of regular members are absent this evening.  A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kerr and passed unanimously to have Mrs. Coburn vote for Mr. Devoe and Ms. Read vote for Mr. Garvin in their absence.  Motion carried.

Minutes of May 16, 2011

The minutes of the May 16th meeting were reviewed.  

There being no corrections noted, a motion was made by Mrs. Coburn, seconded by Mrs. Sturges and passed unanimously to approve the minutes as written.   Motion carried.

RyeField Manor –Tax Abatement

Mr. Russell stated that he received a letter from the Jack Faniola of Rye Field expressing disappointment that the Board of Finance rejected Ryefield’s request to receive a tax abatement from the town.  The Board members stated that they did not feel they adequately understand management the structure and the financials of Rye Field Manor.

Mr. Griswold distributed a financial comparison between the town’s two subsidized housing units, Lymewood vs. Rye Field (attached).  He stated that looking at the various surrounding towns, comparable housing complexes receive abatements from the town anywhere between 65-100% funding.  One town provided no abatement.  They are as follows:

        Branford                100%                    Essex                   no tax abatement
        Clinton         100%                    Guilford                100%
        Deep River              100%                    Saybrook                50%
        East Lyme               65%                     Westbrook               100%
Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        June 21, 2011

It was agreed Mr. Kelsey and Mr. Griswold will meet with representatives of Lymewood and report back to the Board.

Parks and Recreation Director – Hours of Work

Mr. Russell received a letter from the chair of the Parks and Recreation requesting an increase in pay for the Director.  He commented that the request should go through the Board of Selectmen.  It was noted that the request was not brought up during budget season or to the specialist.  Mr. Griswold discussed with the Director having two days off during the week to compensate for the extensive weekend hours during the summer months.  There was a discussion on having an assistant to alleviate Mr. Bugbee from having to work seven days a week.  No action was taken.  Mr. Griswold said there is an ongoing dialog between the Director and the Supt. Of Public Works to ensure certain ongoing maintenance items are performed about with other non-recurring tasks.  Mr. Griswold said he and Mrs. Stajduhar will work on identifying an individual or company to help the Town analyze its compensation practices before the budget season.  This will address the Directors compensation issue.

Mr. Russell stated that the Chart of Accounts needs to be added to this evening’s discussion.  A motion was made by Mr. Woolley, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to have the Financial Reports added to the agenda.  Motion carried.

Chart of Accounts/Financial Reports

Mrs. Stajduhar highlighted the May 2011 Financial Report notes for the Revenues stating the total tax collections for property tax were $168,675 over budget and noted that all line items are over budget except for the motor vehicle supplement account. She said that Town Clerk revenues of $10,003, Building Department revenues of$26,070, and Septage Transfer revenue of $6,540, all of which were 100% collected at month end, were collected but not included in the May 2011 Revenue Report.  Inland Wetland Engineering reimbursement ($9,707) was received to close out a performance bond.  The Police private duty revenue was $34,254 for the month due to high activity with AT&T, CL&P and various private contractors. Grant revenue received included $259,594 for ECS and $46,381 for recycling carts.  Other revenues include $179,208 for a transfer in from the CRRA Special Revenue Fund to help fund the purchase of the recycling carts.  This transaction closes out the CRRA fund.

Expenditures include Building/Health salaries, which are over budget due to department head working hours exceeding the budgeted 20 hours per week.  The Tree Commission had an expenditure of $4,025 for tree trimming performed in the spring.  Public Works paid $7,744 this month for line painting and $7,421 for black top work, both done in the spring.
Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        June 21, 2011

The high activity of Police Private Duty of $34,400 pushed the account over budget, however, was offset the revenue of $34,254.  High activity under Police DUI/Seat Belt Grant also pushed this account over budget but the Town will be receiving grant revenue to offset expenditures.  Church Corner ordered and installed granite posts were ordered and installed for the Church Corner in the amount of $4,350.  Under Capital, $235,584 single stream recycling carts paid $235,584 to Cascade for the recycling carts of which, $225,589 in revenue was received from the CRRA Special Revenue A/C and from the grant, so only $10,000 of surplus was used.  The Cross Lane Roof Study was done and $8,690 was paid this month under Capital

Mrs. Stajduhar requested that the Board approve its commitment to consider and approve the FY2011 carryovers for sixty days when presented at the August meeting while there is no amount to be considered at this time, this is simply a procedural item.  A motion was made by Mrs. Sturges, seconded by Mr. Kerr that the Board of Finance approves to consider from FY2011, within sixty (60) days after the end of FY2011.  Motion carried.

Old Business

Nothing to report.

New Business

Nothing to report.

Selectman’s Office

Mr. Griswold stated that Ames property closed on June 15th which adds to 81 additional acres of Open Space plus the extra 35 acres of donated land that Mr. Ames had specified would go to the Town upon his death.  Fifty percent ($405,000), plus closing costs, was paid at the closing and the balance will be paid over three years at an interest rate of 2%.  Mr. Griswold stated that the Old Lyme Land Trust had a DEP grant approved in the amount of $38,650 to acquire 11 acres of the 81 acres, and this grant has now been assigned to the Town.  When funds are received, they will be added to the Open Space Fund

Mr. Griswold reported that the Duck River Culvert bids were opened on June 10th.  There were eight bidders with bids ranging from $76,294 to $168,840.  The project budget is S100,000 with four of the bids placing  under $100,000 and four were over $100,000.  The apparent low bidder is Black and Wagner of Unionville, CT.  The work will be performed in August and is expected to take two weeks.

Board of Finance Meeting                                                                        June 21, 2011

Mr. Griswold stated that a Special Town Meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 18th to seek approval of the CRRA Municipal Services Agreement.

Mr. Griswold reported that the Board of Selectmen voted to execute the new Resident State Troop contract for the services of one Resident State Trooper for the period 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2013.  Interviews for a replacement Trooper for Scott O’Donnell have taken place, however, a new trooper has not been announced.

Mr. Griswold said the Town will submit a STEAP Grant for the Rogers Lake Boat House will be submitted this week.  The Grant application will be in the amount of $478,000. The Grant Application incorporates the school rowing program and the Rowing Association and involves participation of around 200 rowers.  The application includes expanding the boathouse, 3,000 square feet,, rack storage and bathroom facilities in the boathouse, relocation of the basketball court and the incorporation of a new volleyball court.  Also included are renovations to the present restroom building, landscaping and improving the access to the boathouse.  The Town should get a response on the application sometime in the fall.  

The town was approved for a Police and Youth Grant for $9,966.  Officer Martin Lane worked on the Grant application with Lyme Youth Service Bureau.

Mr. Griswold stated that the electronics collection storage pod is set up and operating at the Transfer Station, at no cost to the Town.

The Household Hazardous Waste contract has been renewed for another six years.

The Police boat refurbishing is nearing completion and the boat will be put into the water very shortly.

Mr. Russell stated that the next Board of Finance meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.  

A motion was made by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mrs. Sturges to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:58 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michele Hayes-Finn